IBM – Ай Би Ем България

Imagine an organisation that’s completely free of limitations. Consider a company that’s driven a complete revolution in the way we all communicate and do business. We’re IBM, the world’s largest information technology company. Agile and open-minded enough to constantly re-invent ourselves, we’ve created a culture where individuals thrive and are free to succeed on their own terms.


IBM Bulgaria is a place where people develop ways to think, interact, manage their business and govern their lives. The global environment in IBM Bulgaria allows everyone to feel confident and able to contribute to their full potential. We base our success around the invention, development, and manufacturing of the most advanced information technologies – hardware, software, storage systems and microelectronics.

Our core values are dedication to every client’s success, innovation for our company and for the world, and trust and personal responsibility in all relationships and we seek and encourage these values in every individual we employ.


IBM prides itself in recruiting highly energetic and motivated staff and we will invest significant energy and time in training and retaining suitable candidates. All IBM roles provide a basis for further development and  advancement in areas like IT, sales, customer relationship management, technical support, consulting, finance and accounting or people management functions.

We recruit highly-skilled
professionals in areas like:
• IT Technology
• Software Development
• Sales
• Business Consulting
• Finance
• Procurement
• Integrated Managed Business
to combine IT with industry
expertise to solve real-life business

IBM Bulgaria
36, Dragan Tzankov Blvd. 1057 Sofia
tel: 400 91 00
IBM Global Delivery Centre Bulgaria
Building 5, Business Park Sofia
Mladost 4 Sofia
tel: 489 76 00

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